09 AUGUST 2023 | 2.30PM
STG stands for Singapore Tricking Gathering.
STG is the time of the year when the local tricking community comes together to hang out, trick, and share with one another their knowledge of certain tricks. STG has been around for years it was held mostly on random grass patches in Singapore.
It was only in 2017 that The Hype Tribe took the initiative to host it in a gym, exposing tricking to the masses while ensuring the safety of the participants.
Now, we're looking forward to taking the community to the next level by having international guests share their expertise with our local scene.
what is tricking?
Tricking is a discipline that collects movement patterns from various movements like Taekwondo, Capoeira and Gymnastics, and blends them together to form Kicks, Flips and Twist!