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The "trick" behind a tricker's aerial.


Breakdown (Aerial) THT Tricks Tricking Breakdown.

First observations of a tricking Aerial (Pros VS Newbs)

A tricking aerial is not all that different from an aerial performed by a gymnast or a Wushu practitioner; the only distinction is that a tricking aerial tends to be more of a side flip with a slight angle off the axis than a half twist on the axis (front facing - back facing). When people attempt their first aerial, they frequently bust their knees, extend their arms for support, or simply lose balance while trying to land. The causes of these situations may include fear, a lack of height gained, a slow landing leg, a lack of strength, and, finally, a lack of body movement knowledge.

Table of Contents:

Three Phases of a Tricker Aerial:

The landing, The flip, and The takeoff

The "Trick" Behind A Tricker's Aerial - The Take Off
The "Trick" Behind A Tricker's Aerial - The Take Off

The Take Off: Effective setup and jumping off for your aerial

  1. If your aerial is performed to the left, you would shift your weight to your left during the takeoff, much like a butterfly kick, standing with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart after your run up (or hook kick, etc.). As a result, your left leg would be the leaping leg.

  2. Your chest will start to dip as you move your weight to the jumping leg, starting in an upright position and continuing until it is as low as it can go.

  3. Your non-jumping leg should be kicking as hard as it can to the side of you while you are still facing forward to create some angular momentum to help take the jumping effort off of your jumping leg in order to gain more height in your aerial. In addition to creating height, your kicking leg also creates momentum that will help you turn around more quickly.

  4. Last but not least, you would be raising your arms above your head as you lift off to create even more angular momentum. The length of time it took to explain The Take Off just serves as further evidence of how crucial The Take Off is to Aerial, and actually to many routines as well.

Tricker style Aerial

Body alignment and instructions for performing the flip for the aerial

You are prepared to flip when, during the flip, your head is already at a level below your hips, your arms are stretched out over your head, and your legs are fully extended with virtually full hip abduction (legs extended to the side of your body).

The "trick" behind a tricker's aerial - body alignment
The "trick" behind a tricker's aerial - body alignment

  1. With all the aforementioned characteristics, the purpose of a flip is to land, thus you must lower your legs to the ground in order to finish strong or transition into something bigger.

  2. You need to focus on accomplishing your flip by contracting your core to pull your hips and kicking one leg up, over, and under your body for a much faster flip. (basically drawing a big circle with your kicking leg)

  3. In order to flip quicker, you should bring your arms toward your core at this point to make yourself somewhat less extended in the air. This will allow the angular momentum you created to work in your favor.

You could see the floor the entire time you were flipping, so keep an eye on it as you prepared to land.

The Landing: Safe airborne landing techniques

The "trick" behind a tricker's aerial - the landing
The "trick" behind a tricker's aerial - the landing

The landing is straightforward; if you had your flip down, you could locate your landing area. In tricking, landing an aerial can be done in a variety of ways, including with one leg, both legs, or a wrap, but they all require the same skills: a slightly bent knee, pointed toes, and experience.

  1. Your body will begin to lean on your landing leg as you come to a stop, therefore you must cushion your landing with your quadriceps by bending your knee slightly and serving as a spring. Of course, with the assistance of your glutes, you can produce an even softer landing.

  2. Last but not least, with your jumping leg, you want to start adducting your leg (closing your legs together) so as to create a counterweight to help you stand upright and to assist in landing stability.

Wushu/ Gymnastic style Aerial

How to increase your flexibility and strength to improve your aerial:

  • Plyometric exercises can be used by persons who have the strength to lift huge weights but lack the coordination to jump one centimeter with a nice triple extension in their legs or who have not trained their bodies to move quickly.

  • Single-leg box leaps can assist develop the strength and stability of a single leg when attempting to land as well as the force in a single-leg jump similar to that of an aerial.

  • Exercises to strengthen the lateral (left or right side) sides of the core, which are necessary for the aerial because it is a trick full of lateral movements, include side crunches, side planks, and side planks with leg lifts.

  • Superman/prone back extensions are a crucial exercise for aerials because they can put a lot of strain on your lower back due to the constant effort required to keep your core together. This is why your lower back needs to be strong and have the endurance to continue performing tricks for a little while longer.

Come Join us for a lesson to learn how to do an Aerial now!



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