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The REVERSAO (THT breakdown)


The Reversao is a combination of the Cartwheel, and the Raiz Scissor, it is a grounded move, much simpler than the Raiz scissor, but a tiny bit more challenging than the cartwheel due to the fact that its a blind landing on the opposing leg.


The Take Off, The Flip, The landing

The Take Off: How to efficiently “kick" for your reversao

  • First step to the side and slightly in front of your left foot with your right foot to put in position to help you push off for the reversao

  • At the same time you would reach for the ground as if you were doing a cartwheel (This will feel awkward at first due to the fact that your right leg coming forward forces your upper body to turn, but you are countering that movement by reaching for a cartwheel, so it's recommended to drill this first part before jumping into the trick)

  • Place the left palm in front of the right foot

    then the right palm would be placed beside the left palm so that the left palm will now be between the right foot and right palm.

Things to note:

Hand placement might not be in line with the feet like the cartwheel, it should be placed more on the inner side of the right foot due to the off axis nature of the Reversao, to stay balanced this unconventional alignment is needed.

Leg Swing

  • As you place your palms on the ground, you want to start swinging your left leg back, and over your hips and shoulders (depending on strength or flexibility of the athletes, angles of the kick may vary)

  • this is the most important part of the trick, the leg swing generates most of the angular momentum to help you rotate your hips over, the kick is mostly performed by the glute muscles which have to be contracted through-out the trick.

  • Jump off the ground with the right leg only when your left leg has reached its peak height, making it more efficient for you to perform this trick

  • When pushing off the ground with your right leg, your arms would have to hold your body off the ground as it flips over.

Things to note:

The swinging leg’s path of travel is not a straight kick back and over the hips, but it is more of a diagonal kick back (with left leg) and towards the right hip, the leg would then travel in a straight path over the right hip and to the other side after the flip, and allowing you to land the trick in a more balanced manner, that is why you want to place your hands away from alignment with your feet.

The Flip: How to ride the momentum of the kick

  • After pushing off the ground with your right leg, and your left swinging leg is at the highest position keeping the hip extended (squeezing the glutes and lower back)

  • Keep your eyes on the ground between your hands, this is to help to guide your body into creating a backwards arch as your hips continue to flip over your shoulders.

  • Performing the back arch allows your lower body to have larger range of motion, which allows you to keep your arms on the ground for as long as possible as you flip your hips over

  • As your hips continue to flip over the shoulders, keep the head tilted back to hold the back arch before landing the trick, so that the swinging left leg can easily reach for the ground on the other side for a blind landing.

  • Lastly, keep your right pushing leg flexed in front of your body to be a counter weight to help you balance during the flip (when you are only on your arms) and also help you pull the rest of your body upright during the landing, also to avoid any unnecessary twisting force.

The Landing: How to safely land the reversao

  • The landing for the Reversao is a blind landing, hence it can only be mastered through drills and experience.

  • For the landing, have your right arm on the ground supporting part of your body weight as you are in a backward arch position

  • with your left swinging leg coming down onto the ground you want to have your left foot pointed so that when you land your calf muscles to reduce impact on landing.

  • As you land you want to then bring your right leg down to act as an extra counter weight for the rest of your body to bring the upper body upright when you land with balance and not leaning backwards.

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